No one joins the WTS because of facts or reason
But we do leave because of facts and reason!
the internet is the archive for civilization.. watchtower cannot hide it's history.. are we seeing the beginning of a mass exodus out of her?.
No one joins the WTS because of facts or reason
But we do leave because of facts and reason!
absolutely amazing how fast this technology is advancing.
at the darpa challenge last year the robots could hardly walk up right and it took them ten minutes to walk through an open door frame.
now they're running around outside and opening doors like a pack of velociraptors!
The end of the spider man movies says that all plots can be reduced to a single component: Who am I?
Personally, I'm hard pressed to think of a single story or movie that isn't about the ever changing nature of a person's (possessive and plural) identity.
cofty- perhaps you would like to teach us the "first thing about evolution".. truth doubter .
Really SBF? That's the "first thing" people should note about evolution? That it "resembles a religion"?
They shouldn't first note that evolution is a scientific theory? Or that it explains the diverse speciation we see on our planet?
They shouldn't first note that evolution is the backbone of modern biology? Or that it's used in developmental biology, ontogeny, microbiology, osteology, paleontology, etc?
They shouldn't first note that evolution is used to develop vaccines, antivirals, and antibiotics? Or that it is crucial component to epidemiology since it allows us to identify mutating strains of a diseases and sometimes even track the step by step transmission of that diseases?
No? We should just throw all that out the window and say "it resembles a religion"?
Is the first thing we should note about Christianity is how it resembles Madagascar? Is the first thing we should note about blue whales is how they resemble the Apollo Missions?
I swear SBF, every time I start thinking "well maybe he's not a troll afterall" you turn around and post something like this.
ever wondered how your post might read to someone who's new to this site?.
(may take you a sec to get the real acronyms that are being used).
well i've noticed a pattern where a lot of ostentatious peoples that talk about their tough ass tax troubles only relate it to it as a problem that's being perpetrated by the federal & democratic states.
I agree SBF. Though I do sometimes enjoy how certain members have hijacked the WTs loaded language and have made a complete mockery out of it.
absolutely amazing how fast this technology is advancing.
at the darpa challenge last year the robots could hardly walk up right and it took them ten minutes to walk through an open door frame.
now they're running around outside and opening doors like a pack of velociraptors!
cofty- perhaps you would like to teach us the "first thing about evolution".. truth doubter .
Wow TruthDoubter, you have quite a hostile crowd here. I wonder what you did to get everyone so riled up?
No matter, let's start with the basics of what evolution is. Evolution is a scientific theory that explains the diverse speciation we observe on our planet (in other words, it explains why there's so many different kinds of life forms). Much like Atomic Theory explains how matter is made up of discrete units (atoms) the Theory of Evolution explains how species change over time.
The nuts and bolts of evolution are that genetic mutation along with selection slowly change a species. This is because animals* that reproduce pass on their genes. And animals that don't reproduce don't pass on their genes. Some animals within their species will be better a reproducing and thus their genes will spread more. Over time, the genetic material that gave them that animal an advantage will spread throughout the whole species.
Now, to go slightly deeper, we can look at the two mechanisms of evolution. The first is mutation. Genes are never copied perfectly. Thus the offspring of an animal will always have slightly different genetic material from its parent(s). Sometimes this new genetic material puts the offspring at a disadvantage and the offspring isn't able to reproduce - so the "bad" genes will not be passed on. Sometimes the genetic material has no discernable effect - so the offspring is able to reproduce just as well as its parents. And sometimes the genetic material gives the offspring an advantage - in which case it's able to produce more offspring. And those offspring will also have that genetic material that gives them an advantage so they too will reproduce more offspring. Etc. Until the whole species has this new mutation.
The other basic component of evolution is selection. This is broken down into three types:
1.) Natural Selection. Animals that are better suited to their environment are more likely to survive. And animals that can survive can reproduce. While animals that can't survive in their environment will not reproduce.
2.) Sexual Selection. Animals that that are able to attract a mate are more likely to produce offspring. And animals that can't attract a mate won't reproduce offspring.
3.) Artificial Selection. Animals that have desirable traits are more likely to be selected to produce offspring. Whereas animals with undesirable traits are less likely to produce offspring.
So the mutation provides new features to the animal and the features that are advantageous are "selected" by one (or more) of the above processes. Thus, species change over time.
Sometimes a single species in two separate environments will drift apart genetically as genes selected for in one environment are not selected for in another. If the two groups of the species become isolated from one another for long enough their genes will diverge so much that the two groups are no longer able to produce viable offspring together. We see this going on with Tigers in Asia and Lions in Africa. They used to be one species but since the continents split Lions and Tigers haven't been able to share genetic information. And what was used to be one species is now two species. And mating between them produces sterile offspring.
If you take away only one point from everything I've written please let it be this: Individual animals don't evolve. Species evolve.
Well, I think that's a good start. Perhaps someone else would like to take it from there. If you have any questions feel free to ask on this thread of PM.
*I'm using the word "animal" to signify a single individual of a species and not a taxonomic group.
ever wondered how your post might read to someone who's new to this site?.
(may take you a sec to get the real acronyms that are being used).
well i've noticed a pattern where a lot of ostentatious peoples that talk about their tough ass tax troubles only relate it to it as a problem that's being perpetrated by the federal & democratic states.
Ever wondered how your post might read to someone who's new to this site?
(may take you a sec to get the real acronyms that are being used)
Well I've noticed a pattern where a lot of Ostentatious Peoples that talk about Their Tough Ass Tax Troubles only relate it to it as a problem that's being perpetrated by the Federal & Democratic States. But, it seems to me, this is rather one sided because the vast amount of peer pressure to "conform" comes from the Republicans & anti-Federalists. No doubt I completely understand that many members perceive themselves to be under the thumb of the Barack Obama Empire and have to adhere strictly to the Welfare Taxes but we also have to remember that the God Believing aren't the sole directors of everything that's going on. It's mostly people who are following other people . . . and I don't think that being Duty Filled should excuse the actions of those insisting others conform as well.
I've also noticed that since the dissolution of the Rational BureauCrats and the airing of the Awful Republican Candidates many Jerrymandered Western states are starting to question what's going on. But in the end it's the same old same old as the Corporate Overlords just try to distract the Black Oppressed Electorate to look at more of the Numbingly Whacko Trump and not think about what's really going on.
post photographic evidence of dubs' false prophecies.
i'll start:.
the preaching work will conclude in the 20th century.
From the north I am going to bring against Tyre Nebuchadnezzar[b] king of Babylon, king of kings,with horses and chariots, with horsemen and a great army. 8 He will ravage your settlements on the mainland with the sword; he will set up siege works against you, build a ramp up to your walls and raise his shields against you. 9 He will direct the blows of his battering rams against your walls and demolish your towers with his weapons. 10 His horses will be so many that they will cover you with dust. Your walls will tremble at the noise of the warhorses, wagons and chariots when he enters your gates as men enter a city whose walls have been broken through. 11 The hooves of his horses will trample all your streets; he will kill your people with the sword, and your strong pillars will fall to the ground. 12 They will plunder your wealth and loot your merchandise; they will break down your walls and demolish your fine houses and throw your stones, timber and rubble into the sea. 13 I will put an end to your noisy songs, and the music of your harps will be heard no more. 14 I will make you a bare rock, and you will become a place to spread fishnets. You will never be rebuilt, for I the Lord have spoken, declares the Sovereign Lord.
Except of course that King Nebuchadnezzar never managed to breach the walls of Tyre. It wasn't conquered until 200 years later by Alexander the Great. And, of course, the city was rebuilt.
Double fail Ezekiel
absolutely amazing how fast this technology is advancing.
at the darpa challenge last year the robots could hardly walk up right and it took them ten minutes to walk through an open door frame.
now they're running around outside and opening doors like a pack of velociraptors!
i never thought i would admit it, but i don't.
i might superstitiously have some kind of doubt but digging a bit deeper in my heart i really don't believe in god.
as a human i could never just sit and watch people be tortured, live years of abuse, suffer from illness and disabilities and all the other awful things people have to endure day after day without doing something about it.
I have two basic rules when engaging people online:
1.) Don't take what they say personally
2.) Don't make it personal - attack their arguments not their character
But I have to say Acts5v29, you really are testing my patience on both fronts. Some of the things you have stated on this thread - and throughout this forum - are so disgusting and so vile and so morally bankrupt I can't help but worry about the horrible actions you could justify under such perverse reasoning.
Simply put, sincerity is not enough. In order to put our good intentions to positive use we actually have to understand how our actions will manifest themselves. And if you're going to dismiss all the evil in the world as non-consequential simply because "God will fix it in the end" then I'm not sure you're in a position to say ANYTHING meaningful about ethics. You have divorced yourself from all moral responsibility and accountability.
If I say I'm going to buy you a new car in ten years time does it mean I have the right to wreck the car you have right now? Would buying you a new car in ten years make up for all the time you were without a car? Or if you and your partner can have more kids in the future does it mean I can kill the kids you have right now?
Of course not. Because restitution isn't a moral system.
What if the child were determined to hate his father who sent him for chemo? Even a child could understand that, in the longer term, there was a good reason.
If a child is going to receive chemo treatments then we let the child know in advance. We let the child know exactly WHAT to expect and we make sure they understand WHY it's happening - that it's done to save their life. We don't just start them on chemo without warning and provide no help with their symptoms and then when they ask, "Why is this happening?" remain silent. That would be unnecessarily cruel and harmful.
But this is the exact position we find ourselves in with regards to natural disasters. We can't anticipate them. We don't know when or where they're going to happen. We don't know why they're happening (outside of causal events). And THEY DON'T SAVE LIVES!
They cause death and destruction and imense pain and suffering. It's nothing like chemo. And it's deeply troubling that you would think that chemo and natural disasters are comparable. I'm afraid superstition has vandalized your mind and completely corrupted your compassion.
Come back to humanity my friend.
P.S. I'm still waiting for your response on why it was okay for God to intervene in human affairs in the past but can't do so now.